2022 - Predictions
I usually start these emails with how the markets did this week.
I usually start these emails with how the markets did this week.
It seems only fitting that on this last week of 2021 we look back.
The markets continued to churn this week first higher, than lower.
And just like that, the markets give back.
Well, this has turned out to be an unusual year in so many ways.
Being a holiday week for the markets, we thought we’d take the opportunity to send out our weekly email a little earlier than usual.
While the markets rose nicely in October, they seem to be giving some back in November.
It was a good week to be in the market as all three major U.S. indices closed nicely higher.
The markets clawed higher this week despite a continuation of volatility and the occasional market overreaction
The stock market looks to finish a little higher this week, although not without some dramatic flair.