Oil Tanks
The markets look to finish down a little this week giving back a small percentage of the recent gains.
The markets look to finish down a little this week giving back a small percentage of the recent gains.
This Sunday will mark the fourth week of quarantine in Ohio. It hasn’t been easy, but it does appear we are “flattening the curve.”
I’d like to say things turned a corner this week, but they did not. We are in a period that is commonly referred to as “finding a bottom.”
It was another whirlwind of a week in the markets. We anticipate this will continue to be the case until the number of confirmed coronavirus patients peak.
We were hopeful that today was going to be the day that we would experience two consecutive up days in the past six weeks. Unfortunately, that wasn’t meant to be.
You know how I said last week I had 31 pages of notes. This week I have even more.
Unless you’ve been intentionally trying to avoid the news, you undoubtedly know the markets were on another roller coaster of a week.
As all of you know, the coronavirus continues to be front and center in the news and on the minds of many of us.
The markets look to finish a little lower this week on renewed concerns over the newly named COVID-19 coronavirus.
It’s been a tumultuous week as investors are playing a game of tug-o-war between the momentum that carried us into 2020 and the fear of the potential fallout from the coronavirus.