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Earnings announcements wrapped up this week with the last remaining stragglers reporting. The start of impeachment hearings on Capitol Hill garnered most of the media’s attention this week. Fed isn't eager to cut rates further.

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Zima, Anyone?

The market has had a great few weeks. Earnings announcements in-line or better than expected coupled with economic data that doesn’t seem to be weakening beyond expectations has put investors in a downright giddy mood.

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Quantum Supremacy

As far as weeks go, this one was pretty middle-of-the-road. While there were a lot of companies reporting earnings announcements, there weren’t any that stood out as exceptionally good or bad.

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Wine, Olive Oil, and Cheese? Mamma Mia!

We look to finish the week flat as a confluence of news and data pushed and pulled at investors all week long. From a Brexit deal to earnings announcements, and a military misstep in Syria to economic data both good and bad, it has been a head-spinning kind of week.

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What's Old is New Again

This week the markets look to finish higher despite or perhaps due to a lack of news. This bucks the three-week slide we’ve recently experienced.

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Is Punctuation No Longer Relevant?

No one ever said the economy, and by extension the stock market, was easy to read. With so much conflicting data and so many variables, it is often difficult for even a professional to fully understand exactly what is happening.

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Capital Markets Clogged - Call a Plumber

This being the first official week of Fall, I would have hoped for temps to cool off a little. Instead, it appears things are heating up again, not unlike what is happening politically in Washington D.C.

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Whoa There Buddy!

This week was a mixed bag regarding economic data and headline news. The tailwind of the last few weeks hit a bit of a snag with an attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil fields and a strike by the UAW at General Motors. Yet despite these developments, investors remained fully engaged in the markets with the prospect of another interest rate cut.

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Zero or Lower

The momentum continued this week with rumors of a trade breakthrough and a delay of new tariffs on Chinese goods. Cincinnati Fifth Third Bank primed for national expansion.

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Stand United

What was shaping up to be a difficult week turned out to be somewhat different.

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